A Glimpse of Peace
I have found some much-needed renewal.

Greetings friends,
As some of you know, I have been struggling with pain and depression this year. However, today, I am in good spirits. That may sound strange, given the state of the world and US politics, but I can explain. I have spent the past week at a land-based solidarity gathering in Chief Drygeese Territory, just outside Yellowknife, in so-called Canada. I have found some much-needed renewal here on Dene land, learning from elders and connecting with organizers and thinkers from across North America and beyond. Dechinta, an organization that creates opportunities for young Dene people to engage with the land and learn from their elders (and often earn college credit in the process), invited me to this convening, and being here has meant the world to me. If you would like to hear more about this place and the conversations I’ve had here with people like Mahdi Sabbagh, William C. Anderson, Harsha Walia, Robyn Maynard, Leanne Simpson, and Dene elders and youth, please check out next week’s episode of Movement Memos. Given that we are developing an arc of episodes about mental health and healing, I have decided to begin that arc with some of the conversations happening here at Dechinta camp, where I have found some much-needed healing myself.
For now, I want to share some photos with you all to give you a glimpse of this beautiful place. Through the episode, I hope to share some of the peace and reflection I have found here with you all. Based on what I am seeing on social media, I am guessing many of you could use some of the energy I’ve found out here.

Sending you all so much love. I will have more to say next week. For now, I am going to enjoy my last day at camp.
In solidarity,