Fight Fear, Build Power: Community Defense Works
“This kind of repression, part of its intention is to isolate people,” says organizer Nikki Marín Baena.
Kelly Hayes is a Menominee author, educator, organizer, and photographer. Kelly is the host of Truthout’s podcast “Movement Memos” and co-author of Let This Radicalize You, with Mariame Kaba.
“This kind of repression, part of its intention is to isolate people,” says organizer Nikki Marín Baena.
We must resist the impulse to settle in, and that will sometimes mean unsettling others.
Many of us are suffering from a kind of social atrophy.
We must prepare ourselves and our communities for the escalating threats we face.
“We need to challenge ourselves to be ready to let people be better,” says Margaret Killjoy.
"This is about the algorithmic entrenchment of administrative violence."
To fight the inhumanity of our enemies, we must nurture our own humanity, and cherish what makes our existence meaningful and worthwhile.
Why would a billionaire raid the National Treasury? To get richer.
“At the end of the day, we protect our students, period,” says educator Silvia Gonzalez.
This is a war on reality itself – and on any shared understanding of it – waged to make fascist myths dominant.
The message should be clear among all people of conscience: We will not cooperate with the fascist, anti-trans agenda.
Let’s develop the practices and build the infrastructure we need to stay in the fight.