Challenging the War Machine: The Boeing 5’s Legal Struggle

"Bold and militant direct action helps the public realize what’s possible," says Prince Shakur.

Challenging the War Machine: The Boeing 5’s Legal Struggle

Amid the mass marches and encampments that have become emblematic of the Palestine Solidarity Movement, some activists have chosen a more confrontational approach. In the months since October 7, some groups have targeted weapons manufacturers, deploying blockade actions to disrupt the flow of business for defense contractors. In March 2024, a small group of Ohio organizers staged a blockade action at a Boeing manufacturing facility in Heath, Ohio. Two activists used improvised equipment to lock themselves to a disabled vehicle, while two others suspended themselves in the air on dangling platforms, preventing workers from entering the facility. These disruptions caused a work stoppage at the facility for several hours and resulted in 5 arrests. The arrestees, who supporters have dubbed the Boeing 5, face misdemeanor charges. However, prosecutors are pursuing steep penalties for the activists, including jail time and $300,000 fines. 

I recently spoke with Prince Shakur, an Ohio organizer and member of the Boeing 5 Legal Defense Team, about why activists targeted the Heath facility, the legal battle the group faces, and why this case matters.

This interview has been lightly edited for length and clarity. 

Can you tell us a bit about the March protest that led to the misdemeanor charges the Boeing 5 is presently facing? What did that action look like, and why did the Boeing 5 choose to blockade the facility they targeted?

In March 2024, a number of Ohio organizers and community members decided to protest a weapons facility in Heath, Ohio. Four different areas near the weapons facility were blocked with various methods, and there was a crowd of supporting protesters with signs and chants. I attended as a media person to document. A work stoppage occurred, and over the course of several hours, five people were arrested and eventually charged.

This weapons facility was the target of this action because numerous weapons contractors operate there, and Boeing operates there significantly. After research, it became very clear to Ohio activists that Boeing is a very large contributor to and supporter of the state of Israel. As one of the many states in the country that have passed legislation to disallow state agencies from boycotting Israel, it feels very important to expose the many different ways that our government and economics are connected to war profiteering.

What penalties are prosecutors pursuing in this case? Why are the Boeing 5 facing what sound like felony-level consequences for misdemeanor charges? 

The defendants are facing a number of misdemeanor charges, ranging from inducing panic, disorderly conduct, failure to comply with a police officer, and more. The variety of charges tend to be misdemeanors, but it seems like the prosecution strategy is to push for steeper penalties and to dissuade defendants from advocating for their First Amendment rights as Ohioans who are against genocide. I'd say some of the different tactics of repression have looked like defendants being asked to take down private social media posts related to the action, an ask being made at one point by Boeing, or the prosecution to have the defendants pay $300,000 in restitution, and denial of plea deals that were presented by the defense. 

I think the current repression against the Boeing 5 is symbolic of a longer history of pro-Israel sentiments by Ohio politicians and a general era of activist repression.

Ohio's deep connection to Israel is evident through its political and financial investments, including a 2024 Ohio Senate resolution in support of Israel and a $30 million purchase of Israel Bonds by the Ohio Treasury, which now holds $262.5 million in such bonds. This relationship extends beyond finances, as Ohio passed laws banning state agencies and universities from boycotting Israel, reinforcing its support since 2016. Additionally, the same tear gas canisters used against Palestinians have been deployed against Black Lives Matter protesters in Ohio, highlighting a shared history of struggle and state violence.

Do you believe this collusion between prosecutors and private industry is an effort to chill dissent and head off further protests?

I think Boeing, Ohio, and other corporations don’t want to be exposed for just how much they profit from war.

Can you speak to the importance of supporting protesters who engage in bold tactics?

Bold and militant direct action helps the public realize what’s possible in terms of opposing genocide and our country's complicity and in exercising our right to free speech. There's so much repression, and we have to be in solidarity with each other across all lines.

How can people support the Boeing 5 at this time?

People can support the Boeing 5 by staying up-to-date on the BOEING IS GUILTY Instagram page. Stay tuned for news about forthcoming trial dates for the five defendants, which start in September 2024.

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